Jesus becoming human is not incidental to our salvation – as if he becomes human simply so that he can hurry to the cross, and the cross is all that counts.
The Makery is a special multi-use space at All Saints that has been newly renovated with a vision for it to be a creative space where we make – make art, make connections, make meaning, make memories – and it’s all about the Maker.
On 1 December 1870, a single penny could buy you the first issue of The Church Messenger, the Nelson Diocese’s inaugural diocesan newspaper.
Thoughts, reflections, news and stories from across the diocese emailed to you every week.
Last Sunday was the official opening and blessing of The Makery.
A reflection of our past and a tool for our present.
I loved the energy in the room.
It’s a chance to embody the love and hospitality that Jesus calls us to offer.
The proclamation of the incarnation during Christmas is gospel proclamation.
The first Christmas was anything but serene.
In leadership, we must serve in a way that reflects the attitude of Paul in Philemon.
It will cost you something, maybe a lot, but it will be worth it.
Some of the most powerful moments of my life have happened in spiritual direction.
God of covenant and calling, you bind us together.
We lead out of who we are more than what we say.
"We pretend like everything’s fine when our houses are burning down."