
Leadership Camp

Serious about ministry and mission? Gather with the Anglican whānau in beautiful St Arnaud!

a calendar icon
11 Jul
13 Jul
a map marker
St Arnaud
a calendar icon
11 Jul
13 Jul
a clock icon
a map marker
St Arnaud

If you're involved in ministry or mission at your parish, come together with like-minded people from Māwhera to Tākaka in fellowship and learning. We'll have dedicated teams to lead the crèche, kids, and youth groups so you can bring the whole whānau.

The annual Leadership Camp is like our big family gathering of leaders from across the diocese. It's a vibrant and life-giving three days, where our key leaders and their families play, pray, learn, talk and rekindle our shared vision for the year ahead.

This year’s guest speaker is Rev Julie-anne Laird. Julie-anne is a specialist in Evangelism and Mission, and works as the Canon for Church Planting for the Diocese of Melbourne. With 20 years of experience training university students in evangelism, she has a heart that burns to share Jesus and loves to equip others in doing so. She’s excited to encourage us in being courageous and “talking about what's good about knowing Jesus”! Julie-anne is an engaging communicator with practical wisdom, and we hope her insights will encourage and equip us as we seek to revitalise our churches and communities with the good news of Jesus.

Leadership Camp is for ordained and non-ordained leaders alike, and if the whole weekend isn’t possible, day visitors especially on the Friday are warmly welcomed. If you would like to attend but finances are tight, please speak with your parish leaders to see if there is parish funding available to help.

$325 per solo
$425 per couple
$500 per family

$275 per solo
$375 per couple
$450 per family

Thursday/Friday visitors
$30 day session
$30 evening meal per person

Saturday visitors
Koha appreciated

Register here!
